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01223 393 539


Putting our customers' customers at the heart of everything we do

We deliver a comprehensive range of ICT Management Consultancy services to our Social Housing and Local Government customers, supported by proven consultancy methodologies.  Our customers tell us that we bring a very different perspective to the table, always challenging with an eye for detail and the ability to focus on what really matters most.


Patrick Dawson, CIO,
Paradigm Housing

itica played a critical role in assuring that we made the right decisions in support of our digital ambitions

Simon Anderson, Head of Transformation, Worthing Homes

itica's approach covered more than just technology it enabled us to understand the total transformation agenda

Jayne Owen, Resources Director, North Wales Housing

Thank you, the feedback has been fantastic, the team are raring to go!


Introducing iticaOPTIC

OPTIC is a structured and flexible approach, putting our customers' customers at the very heart of thinking when diagnosing and modelling the organisation to continually adapt to the changing Digital environment.


Whilst the areas of OPTIC are linked, the primary consideration is your customers, the starting point for a structured diagnostic that enables you to understand where you are on your journey, and what outcomes you wish to see from investment in change activity.  OPTIC is flexible and can be applied to any functional area or organisational level within a housing provider.



This covers the internal and external skills, capabilities, culture, and capacity required for the change to a customer-led organisation.  Being ready, from leadership teams to frontline operations, is essential as change simply won’t happen without colleagues, customers and supply partners collaboratively engaging in and reacting positively to the challenges.


Understanding and improving the services, processes and value chains that cut across internal and external organisational boundaries to deliver for your customers. Not all processes are within IT systems, and improvements often involve the realignment of resources or the formation of virtual teams to solve efficiency challenges and creating an ethos of innovation or continuous improvement.


We understand the options available, although technology is an enabler and on its own will not deliver change.  This area of OPTIC comprises strategic reviews linked to business and customer outcomes, roadmap agreement, solution sourcing, and appropriate IT and supplier governance models.


This covers data and information.  Data governance ensures that it is collected, stored and processed to provide meaningful insight for those that use it to improve service or for decision support.  Data completeness and quality are vital to so many aspects of change including support for automation technologies and systems replacement.  Information is processed data plus all the ‘corporate knowledge’ in physical form and in people’s heads. This knowledge is also a critical component of change as it avoids assumptions about the
‘as-is’ status. 


The centrepiece of OPTIC, focus on the customer drives all the other areas and if action isn’t improving customer outcomes and experience whether that is service delivery quality, effectiveness or compliance, then our challenge would be, Why? Understanding your customer, including engagement methods enabling them to influence you, segmentation leading to differentiation and tailoring of propositions, better sentiment analysis driving improved service experience, are essential components of meeting new demands and dealing with emerging regulations.


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01223 393 539


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